WORKS 1 /小林武史 /株式会社トイズファクトリー

Born in 1976 in Aomori Prefecture, Japan, Chie Morimoto was raised in Tokyo. After completing the Visual Communication Design program at Musashino University, she started working with the Hakuhodo advertising agency. With the desire to design in a manner more essential to day-to-day life, in 2007 Morimoto founded goen° with the following directive: “Create first encounters. Connect people through the actualization of their dreams.”
Now as a mother of one, she is again eagerly expanding the scope of her activities.
Morimoto's design work includes an advertising campaign for SONY, package design work with Canon cameras and Kirin beer, and work with the Japanese clothing brand “niko and…”
She has worked in film and television on the popular NHK programs Gō: Himetachi no Sengoku and Teppan, and on film projects with esteemed director Yoji Yamada. Her work can be seen onscreen in his film It's a Flickering Life.
Her artwork has been used by musicians such as Yumi Matsutoya and Official Hige Dandism.
She has done additional work in a wide range of fields, including spatial design for zoos and nurseries, advertising consultation, book bindings, and more. She is the artist behind the stained glass murals at the Aomori airport.
Morimoto's design company monogoen°, initially launched online, now has a physical storefront which opened in February of 2022 to create new opportunities to evolve her art and expand her vision.
Morimoto has received awards or recognition from the Art Director's Clubs of New York and Tokyo, JAGDA, ADFEST, and other organizations. She was named Nikkei's Woman of the Year 2012.
Work requests and other inquiries
アートディレクター / クリエイティブ・ディレクター。
N.Y. ADC賞、ONE SHOW、朝日広告賞、アジア太平洋広告祭、東京ADC賞、JAGDA新人賞、SPACE SHOWER MVA、ADCグランプリ、日経ウーマンオブザイヤー2012、50th ACC CM FESTIVALベストアートディレクション賞、伊丹十三賞、日本建築学会賞、第4回東奥文化選奨賞など。
「MORIMOTO CHIE Works 1999-2010 うたう作品集」